Danainfra Nasional Berhad Credit Rating
Provides comprehensive Malaysias bonds market information and analysis yield curve for Malaysian Goverment Bond Malaysian Government Securities MGS Islamic Bond Cagamas Khazanah Bond and Corporate Bond. Danajamin Nasional Berhad Danajamin the countrys first Financial Guarantee Insurer announced that it is guaranteeing the Class C Islamic medium-term notes Class C Sukuk Ijarah of up to RM170 milllion under a first issuance of the Sukuk Ijarah of up to RM800 miliion First Tranche. Pdf Local Currency Bonds And Infrastructure Finance In Asean 3 Etiqa Insurance Berhad 2016 YTD 2015 2014 418 522 1524 2642 7832 2013 109 330 1004 1709 7671 2012 309 192 520 933 161 Source. Danainfra nasional berhad credit rating . Tenagas ratings are equalised with those of. Issue Issuer Yield Prices Payments Analytical Comments Ratings. The establishment of DanaInfra Nasional Berhad DanaInfra was pursuant to the Economic Councils decision on 14 June 2010 after an in-depth consideration for the need to have...