Worldwide Holdings Berhad Board Of Directors
Career Opportunities with Worldwide Holdings Berhad. From various stakes in various industries throughout the years into focusing onto four today Worldwide Holdings today is a leader in property and environmental management services. Career Worldwide Holdings Iconic Worldwide Berhad formerly known as Sanbumi Holdings Berhad is a Bursa Malaysia listed company that is primarily involved in tourism and property businesses. Worldwide holdings berhad board of directors . Career Opportunities with Worldwide Holdings Berhad. Today Worldwide Holdings is widely recognised as the leader in environmental management service and one of reputable players in the property development sector in the Klang Valley. As hiring the right people for the right job with the right competency are the first step in this development process every year we carry out a range of initiatives to hire qualified people to join Worldwide Holdings Berhad. 8 April 2019 - Putrajaya Perdana Berhad 1 November 2018 -...